Why Migrate To Magento 2.0

  • By Indian Magento Experts 8 January, 2016 0 Comments

    Since the inception of Magento 1.x, Magento users are longing for more advanced technologies, better customization, higher performance and scalability. Ought Magento 2.0 to provide that improvements that users are striving for changes.

    Let’s examine this.

    Set up process and upgrade: The concern which Magento product manager have in mind is that the complaints of user in regard of the complexity of platform installation and upgrading. Magento 2.0 provides a standalone installer which in turn helps installation process much faster by carefully checking all Pre-requisites before setup. Notwithstanding the installation of Magento 2.0 is difficult, migration from old version to newer version is not easy either. It is possible for store owner to migrate core data(customers, products, orders, store configurations). But the themes will have to be refactored due to different structure . Third party extensions have to be changed in order to compatible with Magento 2.0. It is evident that migration is not a mean task but it is worthwhile option.

    Better performance and scalability: Truly speaking, there are ample reasons for considerably improved scalability and performance.

    • Magento have now several databases for products and orders respectively. Thus, more concurrent admin users are allowed now. Thanks for the comprehensive core update, more admin users will have the opportunity to update website without data conflicts.
    • Full page cache out-of-the-box.
    • Varnish and Redis support also will turn out-of-the-box.
    • Improved indexers will stop blocking processes; they will work in the background.
    • At last, these new indexers deliver speedier query performance and up-dates than before.

    Better Codebase: Magento 2.0 introduces particular unit tests for modules that will make them more strong and will able to define integration issue more clearly. You can get it in module package . It will have an effect on usage of Composer. Backwards compatibility policy is now based on the server standard.

    Improved Front-End Architecture: Front-end developers will beam with delight at the prospect of up-dates offered by Magento 2.0.It will cover with latest technologies like CSS3, HTML5 and Jquery. improvements in the structure of project directories and file set. In regard of theme overflow, skin directory was removed for the convenience of user. Thus, it simplifies the maintenance. It’s crucial that Magento 2.0 offers a system validation for XML files through applying XML schemas for individual and merged layout files.

    Back-end Processes also enhanced: The new look of admin panel in Magento becomes much easier for processing orders and managing products and categories. Customization option is available in Magento2.0. It is quite tedious to sort your products by adding more columns to the grid. Now this has become much easier in Magento 2.0 by using grid view in admin panel. The advantage is that you can directly edit any information on the grid page. It works just like excel worksheet. Indeed a great feat.

    What about the external Integration: In Magento 2.0, integration with external software becomes more available due to its extended API. New API is effective making it to get it all the data needed by just calling once. That may be customer, product, order etc. The certain advantage is that when you are working with Magento 2 API, we can access resources via real method name instead of the call one, and provide parameters as defined in WSDL for each specific method.

    Testing Friendly Magento2.0: Testing will be much more user_friendly as it is used Mage god class. Magento 2.0 feature removes past troubles with the code testing. A testing framework in included in Magento 2.0. Below is the testing list.

    • Integration Tests
    • Unit Tests
    • JavaScript Unit Tests
    • Static Tests
    • Legacy and Migration Tests
    • Performance Tests

    Payment Gateways Improved:

    • An in-line iFrame can host the 3d party payment form. Customers are welcome the move as it prevents credit card data loss. As a consequence, it provides increase security and confidence.
    • Moreover, you can also have a 3d-party hosted payment page to redirect the end-user to a page driven by another domain.

    Magento 2 is closely integrated with various payment system such as PayPal, Authorize.net, BrainTree, and others.

    Incredible User Experience: It is very important for any E-commerce owner to know the user experience. Some of the important advantages you can find in the following:

    • A special menu system and navigation.
    • Access control. Logging-in is less irritating.
    • Adding a product to the cart turns far more convenient and faster. This feature saves a lot of time and nerves of your clients.
    • The way how taxes are handled through the system was improved as well.

    To reiterate the benefits of Magento2.0 is given below:

    • Refreshed the technology stack.
    • Simplified process of external integrations.
    • Enhanced scalability and performance.
    • Easy installation process.
    • Accelerating upgrade procedures.